Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sawyer's Shorts

I finally made something for Sawyer! Inspired for summer, I made him some summer shorts! I used the pattern out of Amy Butler's book "Little Stitches for Little Ones." They were easy and fun to make, and I happened to have all the materials on hand - which helps. It took me less than two hours from start to finish - including multiple breaks to stop and play with the Little Buddy!
Can you tell he is wearing them in this one??


Kari said...

Hi Smrekars! Yay for the blog. They are addicting we can tell you that. Especially when you are in a foreign country with nothing else to do :-) James has requested some summer shorts too, but I'm not sure if he's serious so don't work too hard on them. We love you and miss you so much. Let's skype so we can see your face! Ava is excited to meet Sawyer, Auntie Bea, and Uncle JB. Love you best friend!

Anna said...

the blog looks good. I have been so behind on mine. miss you guys.
hug,hug,kiss,kiss,bighug,kiss,kiss, littlekiss

Jennifer said...

I'm going to add this blog to my favorites! Sawyer is the cutest kid ever - you could make some mula off that face! Love you!